Looking For Chat – Avoid These Scam Tactics!

Looking For Chat – Avoid These Scam Tactics!

Looking For Chat

Are you just Looking For Chat, to find yourself an interesting, sexy buddy. But the internet teems with scammers today. They are everywhere and hard to avoid. And the more you chat, the higher are chances to encounter someone who will try to scam you. But letting them is actually up to you. Do you know there are ways you can detect a scammer? Here are their tactics and things you should see as red flags. 

How to spot a sexting scam easily in 2022?

  1. Fake emergency

  2. No resistance 

  3. Offering help (to a complete stranger)

  4. Avoiding public places

  5. Go for legit sexting sites

1. Fake emergency 

One of the scam tactics is faking an emergency. Basically, you meet this chick. Based on her photo, she is a bombshell. Too out of your league. And even though you are a complete stranger, she starts complaining about money. Life is tough, she has no money and soon she will be evicted, or something like that. It is always something about money, and she does not have it. It is very urgent and her life depends on it. But why is she complaining to you, who she has just met? Because this is someone who is committing fraud. Someone who will sell you nudes or other types of content illegally because it is not really theirs.

2. No resistance 

Once they do send you something, they will not let you get out of it easily. Let’s say you maybe send them a nude of yourself, or something about you that is personal. They will use it to blackmail you, threaten you… They will not let you leave the chat if you do not pay up. Even if you do not send them anything, they will find ways to make you uncomfortable. They will threaten to hack you, finding out where you live… And no matter how hard you try to just leave, it will not be easy. They will also try to make it impossible for you to resist sending them money.

3. Offering help (to a complete stranger)

Sometimes scammers will listen to your problems just to make you think they are empathetic people. Empathetic girls, who care about you genuinely. Just out of goodness of their heart. They will even offer help. Maybe they will just say they will be here for you. Some will keep saying you are a good person. There are many ways to motivate someone who is having problems. But here’s the thing… They have just met you. They can’t know if you are a good person, or how to really help you. And anyone who is offering help to a complete stranger is definitely suspicious. 

4. Avoiding public places

As soon as someone says they don’t feel like meeting in public but somewhere private, this is an alarm bell! Every sane person, especially a girl who is mentally healthy and likes life, will choose a public place. After all, you could be a maniac! She doesn’t know it. So, if she is offering you everything else but a public place with people… That can only mean one thing! She is a bigger maniac than you! This person wishes you no good. They will try to steal money from you, hurt you, harm you… Some scammers are extremely dangerous and they don’t even slightly care about a human life.

5. Go for legit sexting sites

So, these should be signs that you are not chatting with a trustworthy, healthy, safe person. There is only chance for to meet real ladies if you join for sex chat at arousr.com. In other places when you add asking money from you to the whole thing, it is even clearer this person just wants to scam you. They are criminals and you should stay away from them. For good. Leave the chat and delete this profile, block them, just run away.

Gay Webcams
Gay Chat

10 Steps to Have Great Gay Webcam Sex

There’s nothing as satisfying as giving into your desires and enjoying a satisfying Gay Webcam Sex with the gay guy of your dreams. These things are few and far between sometimes. The kinds of guys that can really give you what you need are in high demand. That means their attention has to be split between all of the horny viewers in the room with you. That’s why you have to get the most out of the great sessions whenever they come alone. Here are ten things to do to make the good cam sex even better.

  1. Tip frequently to stand out

The very first thing that you have to do is stand out from the crowd. That means you have to do anything it take to get that guy’s attention. If you can manage to tip frequently, and in high amounts, you’re sure to get them looking in your direction. That’s how you get yourself started down the path toward the mind blowing gay sex that you need to have.

  1. Go cam to cam when possible

You also have to realize that the guys performing on the gay sex cams are looking for a good time just like you. They kind of get the short end of the stick when it comes to enjoying what they’re doing. They don’t get to feel like a part of the action in the same way that you do. If you want to make it just as good for them, offer to go cam to cam with them.

  1. Work your way up to the good stuff

The biggest mistake that most people make is just going straight for the penis action. That’s fine if you’re the kind of person who eats their favorite part of the meal first. The problem is that you’re just left with the boring parts afterward. If you can hold yourself back and slowly build up to the main event, you’ll be able to savor it.

  1. Bring your fantasies

Nothing is worse than finally getting your time with the gay cam guy of your dreams only to have no idea what to do with him. You have to do a little bit of planning beforehand. Come up with different scenarios that you can play out with him. Figure out what you want to see and how you want him to do it. Then you’ll be able to just pick and choose whatever fits the mood.

  1. Wear headphones

It doesn’t matter if you live alone of not. You always want to be wearing headphones when you play with a cam guy. Try it out once and you’ll be hooked on the way that every breath he takes and every moan that escapes his lips is right in your ears. It makes you feel like you’re lying right next to him and you can’t get any hotter than that.

  1. Save up for a few days

There’s one major thing that anyone can do to improve their cam sex, but it never really comes to mind. That thing is to simply stop yourself from having it for a few days before your big night. It makes sense when you think about it. You’re going to be craving it even more than you normally would and it will mean a lot more. On top of that, your orgasm will be much more intense after you save up some of your donation.

  1. Don’t watch your mouth

When it’s time for your show, don’t hold back. Be as filthy as you want to be and your stud will adapt. He wants you to be happy, after all.

  1. Let him entertain you

You have to realize that the cam guy knows what you want. He plays with guys every single day and he knows what turns them on. If he wants to take over for a little while, let him. You’ll be surprised at how hot it is.

  1. Take him private

No matter how far you can take things in the public chat, you’re never going to get the kind of show that you can enjoy in the private chat. Play around with your foreplay in public, but save the main event for the private chat. It will make all of the difference for you and you’ll never want to do it any other way afterward.

  1. Time your orgasm

Finally, the best way to have the hottest gay cam chat that you can imagine is, you want to learn how to edge yourself. You’re in charge of when you orgasm, but you really want to get yourself right to the edge and keep yourself there for as long as you can. Build it up and up and finally let it go at the same exact second that he does. You’ll be sharing a powerful orgasm that you’ll never be able to forget about.

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